Apples and Apples and Cream - A twist on Wollersheim's Apples and Cream

I bought a cocktail drink kit from Wollersheim last year called Apples and Cream (blog entry here), that has Apple Brandy, Cream soda, and then tart cherry grenadine and I thought to myself, well this isn't really apples and cream - it's apples, cherries and cream.  And thought about what it would taste like if I stuck with apples and cream.  Turns out, it tastes great.

Makes 2 drinks. 


  • 3 oz Apple Brandy
  • 3 oz Apple cider
  • 1 bottle of cream soda
  • ice


  1. Add ice to each glass.
  2. Put 1.5 oz of apple brandy and apple cider in each glass.  
  3. Pour half the soda in each glass. Stir gently. 


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