Raspberry Iced Tea

 A refreshing non-alcoholic summer drink.

Makes 4-6 beverages.  Didn't exactly measure.


  • 1 6oz container of raspberries
  • 3 TBSP sugar
  • 3 black tea bags
  • 4 cups water, divided
  • 4 cups ice


  1. Combine 2 cups water, 6oz of raspberries, and 3 TBSP sugar in small saucepan and bring to a boil. 
  2. Reduce heat and let simmer for 10 min.
  3. Bring 2 more cups of water to just under a boil (or about 190 degrees).  Place tea bags in this pot and steep for 5 min.  Discard tea bags after 5 min. 
  4. Place tea in pitcher with 4 cups ice and let cool.
  5. Mash raspberries with a potato masher or wooden spoon. 
  6. Strain out raspberry solids and discard.  Let cool for about 10 min. 
  7. Combine raspberry syrup you just made with the tea. 
  8. Garnish with fresh raspberries if you are an over-achiever. 
Remade from: Oh How Civilized 


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